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Baz Chapman

Merengue! | Paradise Tango | Salsa by Moonlight | Seaside Samba
Latino Bay is a tropical paradise, where the sun always shines and the people love to sing and dance together. Come and visit, and learn some Latin songs and dance moves!
Latino Bay is a collection of 4 original songs for upper voices. Each song represents a Latin music and dance style, and includes instructions for simple accompanying dance steps, suitable for groups of any size. The songs feature some simple 2-part harmonies and are particularly suitable for Key Stage 2 children. They can be performed separately, or together as a 7-minute set.
Sample score page (PDF):
Have a listen:
Latino Bay - computer sample - Baz Chapman
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Piano vocal scores priced at £24 for a digital copy with permission to produce up to 10 copies. Visit my Music Shop to purchase.
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